Site blog

Picture of Carol Harvey Barnes
by Carol Harvey Barnes - Tuesday, 20 January 2015, 3:08 PM
Anyone in the world

Hello all,

Here's to a happy and busy 2015! The holidays already seem a distant memory and it's full steam ahead for the forthcoming year.

Trinity College Drama Conference

TCL logoJanuary 30th and 31st is the annual Drama Standardisation Conference, this year in Birmingham, West Midlands. It’s an essential opportunity for Trinity College, examiners, moderators and head office teams to ensure standards across the exam portfolio are robustly maintained. It’s also great to catch up with old and new colleagues. I will have lots more to report in next month’s blog...

Perform 2015

Perform logoFebruary 13th, 14th and 15 is Perform 2015 held at The West Hall, Olympia Exhibition Centre.
Olympia, Blythe Road, London W14 8UX. I’m looking forward to leading a practical drama workshop titled, Shakespeare Access All Areas! The 45 minute session is open to teachers of all levels and starts at 12.45 – 1.30 p.m. The aim is to discover ways to help your students become familiar with Shakespeare’s text in a lively, engaging, practical, and active learning environment. I am a firm believer in having the confidence to take risks as a teacher and the session is particularly aimed at those who have become text bound and feel that Shakespeare is ‘too hard’ to deliver in the English or Drama classroom in a fun, accessible and relevant way. This workshop aims to dispel some of those fears so book your place via the Perform 2015 website, and please come and say hello or let me know if you will be there on, 

Move It!

Move it logoIf you are attending on Sunday February 15th, why not pop along to one of the dance workshops on offer at Move It! At 10.30 – 11.15 a.m., Anna Leatherdale and Dr Ute Scholl are presenting ‘Safe out-of-axis moves and piernazo in Argentine Tango’ – this is a practical workshop and focuses upon building a relationship with your partner on the dance floor using good technique and an understanding of what your body (or your partner’s body) can do safely. You will learn how to use a number of techniques including the kicks and leg-wraps that are the hall-mark of Tango Nuevo.  This is a great opportunity to enjoy a stunning dance form, expertly delivered.

Follow on from this Anna will present another practical workshop between 1.00p.m. – 2.00 p.m., Dance for Older Adults and is open to the general public. The workshop is aimed specifically at those aged over 40 visiting Move It! So, why not pop along, join the class and learn a musical theatre routine that will remind you of why dance is fun and beneficial for everyone. No upper age limit.

Share your stories of best practice

If you have anything you want to share about your teaching practice then please let us know. Here at Trinity we are always interested in any new initiatives you are developing. Particularly, teacher’s perspectives on curriculum changes and how you have or are planning to introduce Trinity exams to your students? Have you attended any inspiring events or experienced inspirational teaching? it's always great to hear about what you're doing!

Creative and Cultural developments...

The Creative Industries Federation, launched in November, 2014 is an independent membership organisation and one of the federations key aims is to ensure that creativity is at the core of our education system and believes that anyone regardless of who they are or where they come from, should be given an equal opportunity to fulfil their creative potential. The Creative Industries Federation is the brainchild of Sir John Sorrell and other senior figures in the creative industries. Visit the website to see more of the core aims of the organisation and other exciting developments planned in 2015.

The Cultural Learning Alliance

CLA logoThe Cultural Learning Alliance (CLA) is a collective voice working to ensure that all children and young people have meaningful access to culture.Cultural Alliance reported in November 2014 that the Department for Education published a report stating that there has been a rise in Initial Teacher Training places for arts subjects. In Drama there was a percentage increase of 45% and a percentage increase of 38% in Dance. Excellent news and this certainly demonstrates that the arts and specialist teachers are part of the continued growth of the arts in education.

Final thoughts for this month, If there is something you would like to see in the blog then please let me know and I will be happy to include it.

As always the email address is

Until next time...

Warmest wishes,


[ Modified: Monday, 26 January 2015, 9:56 PM ]
