Forum rules for Trinity College London

a) No flaming: Flaming or abusing fellow members  in any way will not be tolerated. These posts may include text that could be interpreted as abusive, attacking, threatening or aggressive. Treat fellow members as you would like to be treated.

b) Do not post offensive content: Members should remember this forum is open to all ages, backgrounds and cultures. Posting offensive text, images, links, foul language etc. will not be tolerated and will result in your post being removed.

c) Confidential Information: Never disclose any personal information such as your age, address and telephone number or any other information that may infringe upon your privacy and that of your fellow members in forum posts.

d) No spam: Spam is not tolerated under any circumstances. This includes advertising commercial products or services. Members posting spam will have their post removed.

e) No trolling: Members that continue to post with the intention to deliberately incite controversy or to cause offence to fellow members will be removed from the forum. A troll post may include:

1) A personal attack on fellow members of the forum.

2) A controversial reply to a post that could lead to disagreements within the discussion thread and may result in the initial discussion going off-topic.

Postings such as these in the forums will not be tolerated.

f) Off-topic posts: All posts within a discussion thread should be of some relevance to the discussion topic. A post that isn’t of some relevance to the discussion topic will be moved to a more appropriate discussion thread or deleted if it cannot be moved. Members should read the title of the discussion thread before posting a response.

g) Off- topic threads: A discussion topic that is posted should have some relevance to the forum title. A discussion topic that isn’t of some relevance to the forum will be moved to a more appropriate forum or deleted if it cannot be moved. Members should read the forum description before posting a new discussion topic.

h) No cross-posting: Members should not post the same response in more than one discussion thread. Please choose the most relevant discussion thread in the forum and post your response in that thread only.

i) Normal writing: When posting to a forum, members should ensure that their response is consistent with “normal writing”. This includes the use of excessive coloured text and punctuation in the discussion topic titles and posts.

j) Do use descriptive titles: When posting a new discussion topic, please choose a discussion title that is specific and best describes your post, for example a good title could be “A music tutor wanted in London – any recommendations?” and an example of a bad title could be “Help!”

k) Illegal activities: Discussion of illegal activities such as file-sharing applications, music and software piracy are not tolerated and will result in the thread/post being removed.

Last modified: Friday, 14 February 2014, 9:56 AM